Method of identifying true and false Ti chips
发表时间: 2023-07-18      阅读次数:     字体:【

Ti Ti uses the method of identifying the true and false chips to purchase electronic components. It is the original intention of every customer to buy original ones, and it is something that every customer does not want to buy non original ones. How to avoid buying non original IC at a high price has become a matter of concern for purchasing. The self-supporting platform of xichuanghui original IC spot takes the model lm2596sx-5.0 switching regulator as an example, Sort out the dry goods sharing of "identifying the authenticity of components" (the color of the plastic tray can be ignored and cannot be used as the basis for identification).

1、 Discs and tapes:

① In disk packaging, the material of the original chip rubber disk is usually fine and smooth, and the non original rubber disk is rough; The original engraving technology is mature, and the fonts engraved on the surface of the disc can show the exquisite work of a slight depression in the middle of the font lines, which cannot be done without the original;


② Label, the label represents the original certificate of the product, and the original chip label brand logo is inkjet evenly, otherwise it is not original; The printing of QC label of the original chip is highly clear, and the non original chip is fuzzy; The overlapping parts of original serial numbers are staggered, and the non original serial numbers are aligned;



③ Belt, the original genuine Belt should be carefully angled, the protective film should be locked to fit the belt, and the non original protective film should be separated from the edge of the belt; Generally, the original genuine tapes are mostly made of recyclable plastic. There will be a recycling mark on the back of the small square box at intervals or not, and there is no sign if it is not original;



2、 Product appearance, zoom in to see the details

④ Silk screen printing, (key) the original authentic logo is printed correctly and clearly (the national half logo is composed of two identical shapes), the lines are smooth and uniform, the edges are clear and free of impurities, and there is no change after wiping with your fingers. The pits at the lines of non original silk screen printing fonts seem to be corroded, and the fingertips may leave residues after wiping with your fingers;

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⑤ Positioning holes. All ICs that cannot identify the installation direction have positioning holes, and there are letters or none in the holes. The original genuine positioning holes have clear edges and corners, deep radians, and clear letters engraved in the holes. (key points) the size of the positioning holes of each chip is unified; The radian of the non original positioning hole is shallow, the reflection is stronger than the original one, and the letters engraved in the hole are fuzzy, which will lead to different sizes of the positioning holes in the same inventory;

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At present, the difference between original and non original Ti / Ti electronic components in the market can be basically distinguished from the previous points. Among them, non original products may be semi-finished products, or new products. I believe it will not be your choice. Therefore, we need to observe and learn the method of discrimination more carefully. Although we can't accurately distinguish each component from the original, However, the principle of "fine work produces fine products" points out the important identification for everyone. "Flexible application and drawing inferences from one instance" is the right principle.

Send the components to the original factory or professional formal organization for testing, and you will know it at a test. However, if you can distinguish it with a simple method, I believe no one is willing to spend so much trouble. In the future, Xi Chuanghui will also sort out more dry goods sharing about components to help customers purchase original IC and avoid stepping on the pit.

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